The Lazy Animator Beginner's Guide to Cartoon Animator - The Fastest Way to Learn Reallusion's 2D Animation Software Application

Don't waste hours of your valuable time when you can learn all the main animation features of Cartoon Animator, and become a power user, fast, without having to navigate all the official video tutorials that don't really cover everything in a logical order, or show how everything is connected ...not to mention how hard it is to navigate the online manual (that no one ever reads, because it's more a reference tool than a learning guide). Still ALL relevant to Cartoon Animator 5!
Feedback for TLA Beginner's
Guide to Cartoon Animator
"Hi David, Just thought I'd let you know that I found your complete Cartoon Animator course really, really useful! I've been using CA4 for a while and have gone through most of the Reallusion tutorials and the difference between those and yours was the intuitive approach you took. Totally worked for me and taught me things which should have been obvious (Transition curve explainer, Character layer explainer and how to tweak easily etc etc) but other tutorials didn't cover...maybe because they're conceived and delivered by the software techies who assume people like me (retired social worker) will find all the nooks and crannies on their own. Once again a BIG Thank You!"
- Gerard, Retired Social Worker.
"I'm on the first lesson and no where ever did any video tutorial I ever watch cover what this is covering handling scenes and props--I've been working hard and not smart. I'm delighted so far, and don't think that will change."
"Best money I've spent so far on anything CA4, really. And I've purchased a lot of characters and assets---all of which I love and glad I have, but without this course I certainly wasn't using the software to the best of its ability, nor mine. I was able to play right along with you and learn---tempo is awesome in each video, really enjoying it."
- Renee, Creator of several Cartoon Animator
shorts prior to
purchase of the course.
"I just want to say thank you David for creating this course. I’ve watched and rewatched the first 3 videos about 5 times each and I’m finally beginning to “get it”. Your slow and methodical pace was just what I needed!"
"I tried watching some of the other videos and many were good but I never was able to really connect it all together and I really think that’s where your course really shines. In fact after finally grasping some of the basics from your first 3 videos I looked at another video I had tried to follow and it finally made sense to many."
"It's totally worth the money! I'm about to start on video 4 and, even though I have used CTA before, I'm learning a lot. What I like most about this course is how it is built up systematically and you never feel swamped by too much information."
- Muriel Raes - Teacher.
"This was the best beginning course I have taken. I was able to do a fun animation to I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas as I was learning the program (and it came out so much better than I anticipated!). I really appreciate the time and effort that went into creating this class. I would strongly recommend it to anyone looking to get up to speed with CA4 quickly. Thanks David!"
- Kathy Adler - New CA4 User.
"There are a lot of videos out there to help getting to grips with CA4, I have seen most of them and they all can be a bit of a task to get to grips with, mainly because the little bits of detail that we all need, seem to be missing as it is assumed we know. So I bought this package and it was very very helpful. Now those little missing bits in all those other videos start to make sense! It`s well set out and easy to follow - well worth buying"
- Steve Messruther - New CA4 User.